Exit and Sale Strategies

Thinking About Exiting Your Business?

We work with clients to conduct a thoughtful analysis of wants, needs, and the strategies to meet them. We then plan and structure an exit process and pathway targeting merger, sales, initial public offering, ESOPs, or other often more creative strategies.  

Positioning a Business for Sale

ASiQ is a high-return broad service alternative to business brokers because as business operating executives we are expert at preparing and positioning a company for sale before the sale process begins.

Targeting the Transaction

Business Exit and Sale StrategiesThis preparation includes maximizing performance metrics before we get to the bargaining table, and often it includes changes of strategy that will better align the company to the most likely buyers in the market.

Once it even involved rewriting the client’s core product, a software tool, on a different platform so that the product would have a bigger market, and thus the company a bigger sale price.

Positioning, Valuation and Pricing

After the ‘remodeling work’ is completed in-house, we then work with ownership on the positioning, valuing, and pricing. Next we locate, qualify, and approach buyers whom we targeted early in the remodeling process as receiving the highest likely business benefit if they bought the client company. ASiQ will then either negotiate or facilitate the sale of your company at optimum terms.

Negotiating the Business Sale

We are expert in business valuation. The value of this expertise is actually more at the negotiating table more than it is in setting the target price. Buyers typically rely on their own expertise in valuation – and that is what determines the size of check they come to the table believing they are willing to write. Being strong operating executives as well as experienced business negotiators, ASiQ is well matched to negotiate, counter, and massage the buyer’s valuation.

You, our client, always oversee the negotiation and decide the critical business points. We work with you and your counsel to insure that ‘done deals’ stay done.

Business Acquisitions

For clients wishing to make acquisitions rather than develop business exit strategies, we implement our process in reverse. We target companies that have the necessary assets and traits, yet can be bought for bargain prices.

Related specialty areas in which ASiQ commonly assists are:

  • Emergency Transition Support - such as occurs on death of the CEO, traumatic loss of facilities, products, customers, and markets, etc...
  • Major disputes among major shareholders
  • Disputes between managers over policy or strategy
  • Temporary loss of a key executive
  • Creating Succession Plans that are smart about economic issues and wise about human factors
  • Catalyzing breakout strategies and business redirections
  • Developing and implementing exit strategies for shareholders to become liquid